Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No Man Is An Island

In Matthew 18:20 Jesus tells us that when we get together with one another in agreement, He would be in our midst. Don’t miss a very important key that happens when we meet together, we are in agreement with one another.

The best ad lib comedy teams have one rule, and one rule only: to be in agreement! If the first guy is talking about the spots on a cow looking like Lake Michigan, the second guy plays off that and says, “Oh! That’s why my milk in the morning revs me up like a car from Detroit!” Silly analogy, but the point is the second guy doesn’t say, “Oh! That’s why my milk in the morning revs me up like a car from Salt Lake City!”

We need to be in a place where we can feed off of the nuggets of gold that our brothers and sisters bring to the relationship. How do you know that just one little uplifting idea can change the course of not only our lives but the destiny of all mankind!

Acts 2:1
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

Let’s get on the same page with one another!

Translations retrieved from © Copyright 1995-2010 Gospel Communications International
King James Version (KJV)—Public Domain/ 1604, King James I of England


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